Best Android Apps for your Android smartphone or SD


The Ultimate Android Spy App

Communicating via cell phones, whether by text, voice calls or emails, has become the primary way to quickly communicate with others, so it is no wonder that cell phone tapping/bugging has become such an effective way of gathering information and evidence regarding a target and their phone.
Mobistealth PRO-X is one of the most advanced Android spy app that is available today. MobiStealth has an impressive list of features and makes claims that no other commercial cell phone spy vendor has. By no means is this the complete list of MobiStealth PRO-X features, but it will give you some idea of what this and other Android cell phone spy software can do. The features include:

Secretly Record Calls
This Android spy app has the ability to record all incoming and outgoing voice calls. Better yet, you can specify which calls you want to record. This phone-tapping feature enables you to record all calls made from and to specific numbers on the phone and then secretly upload the recorded calls to your MobiStealth account without the other party knowing.

On Demand Room Monitoring
Amazingly, the app can be used to eavesdrop on conversation and even record them without giving any indication that the speakerphone is on or that someone is listening. The feature is initiated by simply sending a secret SMS to the target’s cell phone, which will then open the phone’s microphone to start a recording. There is no doubt that this feature can be abused in carrying out corporate espionage or to bug the phone of a cheating partner. As with the secret call recording feature, you can upload the recordings to your online account to be accessed at your convenience.

Secretly Retrieve Pictures & Videos
A favorite feature of many MobiStealth users is the picture and video download option. With this spy phone feature you can secretly retrieve and view all the photos and videos that are on your target’s Cell phone. Which can be quite incriminating if used to provide evidence in legal matters such as divorces and custody hearings.

On Demand Location Information
This spy feature will obtain the current location of a target’s Android phone. This feature is initiated by sending a secret SMS to the target’s phone. The current location of the target’s phone will then be immediately reported by way of an SMS reply. You can also track the cell phone via a map based interface.

Text Message Interception
Secretly read all text messages that are sent/received to and from the Android device that is being targeted. The cool thing about this Android spy phone feature is that you see the complete messages from both sides of the SMS conversation.

Call History (with call duration)
Find out who is calling the target’s phone and best of all, who the target is calling. Armed with this info, you can then use MobiStealth’s reverse look up service, to find out the full name and address of the person who owns the number.

SIM Change Notification
If you are worried that your target may change their SIM card, MobiStealth can be set to inform you if the target has changed their SIM card. Notification is sent via SMS, and includes the details of the changed SIM.

While Mobistealth markets this Android spy application as the ultimate choice for monitoring a child’s cell phone, catching cheating spouses, monitoring employees and tracking cell phones, there is no doubt that some customer have also found shady ways to use the software as well.

MobiStealth PRO-X costs US$99.99 for a 3-month license, US$149.99 for a 6-month license, and US$199.99 for a 12-month license.
